My Art Gallery

My work embodies a wide range of mediums and subject matter such as: paintings, digital art, illustration, comics and fan art. Some of my work shown below is not available for sale but may be purchased as a print upon request. 


Synch (X-Men) - Prints available upon request.

Page from my webcomic, "Them Bantu Boys."

UNCLE/OBA, January 2024 - $300, prints available upon request

Young, beautiful, dark skinned black woman holding her head high with her chin forward. Her eyes stare boldly at you, her jet black hair is parted on the left side of her head and falls straight down behind her shoulders. Her hair transitions into a vibrant blue near its ends. This image is set against a solid pink background.

Head Held High - prints available for purchase in shop

The Dark Knight - Prints available upon request. 

Blue Braided, Most Imitated... - Prints available for purchase in shop

Storm is hovering above T'Challa the Black Panther and she is emitting bursts of lightning from her hands. The Black Panther is pouncing forward toward you, ready to strike. the background is gray and Storms hair blends into a grayish, black storm cloud that spreads out behind her and T'challa into the shape of Africa.

Power Couple - prints available for purchase in shop

Ironheart - prints available for purchase in shop.

The OG Friend Group - Prints available in shop.

Zoro - Prints available in shop.

Bemba and Shona, Them Bantu Boys - Prints available in shop.

Unknown Defender - not for sale

Sankofa - Prints available upon request

Curls and Khopesh - Prints available upon request

This little world Can't Hold Me - Prints available upon request takes a village - SOLD, prints available upon request

untitled portrait - Prints available upon request

untitled - Prints available upon request